What is your But????? ;)

Hello Girlies!!  How ya’ll doing?? So, here I am, in the middle of the night sharing some interesting bits of my mind! I am pretty, I’m cool, … 😉 I’m brainyy & funny… 😉 I’m hot & I’m happening… 😉 I’m intellectual & blondie at the same time…, But, I’m …ummm……..? What’s your But? I know, what you’re thinking, that its too HIMYM inspired. But isn’t it true?? Do we all know what’s our but? IMG_6676 Are we lil clingy, cranky or even miserable sometimes. We could be loving, affectionate, but umm…. PMSing at the same time. Girls, let’s agree,  we are slightly complex creatures but we all need to know that one (or may be 2, 3, 4.. :P) thing(s) in us which could be annoying or not so perfect but it could really define us completely. And for anyone who loves us selflessly would accept us with that lil flaw too… So, don’t be afraid in being not so perfect at times. Go ahead Girlies, find your butt!!!! (oops.. But :P) By finding it, may be you could KISS your BUT good bye !!! For the record, I’m beautiful, charming, awesome but I’m.. umm… wait for it…. umm.. bachelorette ,, hahaha,… wait for it… Naa… Find out for yourself!! 😉 Love you all!! xoxo